Hey Guys,
It's really hard for me to get the words I have in my head right now to my finger tips so I can type them.
This blog post will be about cancer and the people I know who are struggling with it.
Most of you may already know what I am about to write.....but I shall write it anyway.
Last year was a very difficult year for me so many deaths of friends and pets.
When the year finally came to a close I was so grateful, hoping I would never have to face something as tough as that year again in my life.
The first several months of this year were fine but once the year reach month 5 it started getting a little difficult.
A long time family friend of our family was diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic cancer that also spread to his liver. That shook our world and it certainly shook their world.
Thoughts came to my mind like "oh no this can't be happening" and such other things. It really didn't feel real to me.
His diagnosis is if he doesn't start chemo he has a couple months to live, but if he does do chemo he will have maybe a year to live.
It was very hard for me to soak this in. I kind of was like letting it roll off choosing not to believe last year might be starting all over again.
Life went on and I visited our friend. He looked different but I still chose to just think he was sick.
Till one day my Mom got a phone call from my Aunt. She told us (my sister and I) that my Uncle had just been diagnosed with Mesothelioma (a rare lung cancer).
When I was told the news I cried thinking it couldn't hit any closer to home.
I think when I found out about my Uncle I had finally chosen to be honest with my self and realize that these two people in my life really did have cancer.
Life sometimes doesn't seem real and you don't want to choose to believe it because you know it will hurt.
Life does hurt and to be perfectly frank it dishes out a bunch of crap sometimes.
Like around the beginning of May my Grandmother lost her brother to cancer and I know it was very hard for her. I never knew my Great Uncle but I knew he had been struggling with his cancer for a long time.
Cancer really stinks and I really wish it never existed. We can go all the way back to the beginning of time and blame Adam and Eve for bringing sin into this world by eating the apple.
I know if they didn't eat the apple life would be so simple and we wouldn't have to worry about stuff like cancer and sickness. But think we also wouldn't have to lean on God for anything, because life would be so easy. I know in order to lean all the way on God you might have to be going through a really hard time. But your leaning on God and that is what He truly wants from you...to lean on Him and to trust Him.
Another person I have met and who has touched me is my friend Annie's Grandmother, Beth. she was just diagnosed with breast cancer.
I really don't know any details but I know it must be very difficult for her and her family.
This last story I would like to share with you is about a very strong woman who has been struggling with cancer for a while. Her name is Jenny Kline. She is the mom of a boy I went to school with.
She was diagnosed with a rare breast cancer that had come out of remission.
Her cancer has spread to her ribs and to her face and to her lymph nodes.
She has a husband, son, and daughter and of all things she teaches Kindergarten. And she loves it.
Thinking of all she is going through all her blog posts are always happy. She embraces her life even though she is suffering with cancer.
This was the recent post I got from her...please take the time and read it!
It is strange to update in the middle of a school day, but I
ended up coming home from school; thankfully! I was an emotional/weepy mess; I
had my appointment with the ENT for the biopsy results (early this morning
before school) for the growth on my face, and it is the cancer, and it is in
the lymph node. He said that surgery to remove it would be difficult; causing
paralysis to that side of the face. He also said that in light of the
diagnosis, and the fact it is not too much of a bother to me, to simply leave
it alone.
He had talked with my oncologist, and said that she is
looking into radiation and more chemo. This really is not an option for me
though. He said it may add a few months to my life, but neither is going to
cure or make this go away. I have stated several times, I am not considering
these treatment options and thankfully I have that choice. I am enjoying my
life; I am taking bike rides with my kids, swinging on the deck swing, singing
and dancing, reading good books, playing words-with-friends…I am enjoying my
family & friends, I will continue to teach, and be present and active in my
day-to-day activities.
And so…I am going to rest a bit today. We end school next
Thursday and it has been non-stop with paperwork, report cards, end-of-the-year
activities, and cleaning the room. I am grateful I was sent home (thank-you
Melissa & Ashley!)…I needed some quiet.
“Trust Me and don’t be
afraid, for I am your Strength and Song. Do not let fear dissipate your energy.
Instead, invest your energy in trusting Me and singing My Song. Ask Him to
control your mind; He will bless you with Life and Peace”
Just a snippet from my devotional - I will trust Him and I will not be afraid. He is My strength and my
Thank-you for listening and being concerned. I know many of
you are praying; include my children and Steve in that prayer. We will be fine!
Nothing has really changed; God is still on the throne and am alive and feeling
Have a blessed day & enjoy the sun! Much love to each
and every one of you…
I think most of us take life for granted...I do.
I can't possibly imagine what it's like to have a immediate family member with cancer. I pray with all my heart I will never know!!
These experiences have allowed me to look back on my life and realize if I have treated my family right or spent enough time with them. To be honest....I haven't.
I have treated my family with disrespect and have caused them heart ache and a daughter or a sister should never do that...ever!
And I am very sorry for that!!
I love you sweet heart, no matter what...Mom