Monday, April 30, 2012

Rooster We Have A Problem

                                                           Rooster Cogburn
(at the picture at the top compare this chicken with the chicken in the front. They are the same chicken about a week apart)


(from left to right) Piglet, Pooh, (up) Sage.....Chyanne got in there too:)

 and then there's Gazella (my mother named her)

Apparently out of the 6 hens we were suppose to have we got 1 rooster...we think. He is way bigger then the other ones.
The other name we thought of for the rooster was Cluck Norris but I think we might stick to Rooster Cogburn. All though it is a cool name:)
Here are all their names....I think....unless Daddy wants to name one.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, they are starting to look like proper chickens, now! It is my understanding that the rooster will help protect his "girls" by telling them whenever any danger has been sensed. He will also protect the girls against people, if he views them as a threat. You might want to do some research about how to make a rooster human friendly, or you might have to approach your own chickens dressed in some of TJ's armor!! :)
