Sunday, August 28, 2011

As The Wind Blows

This is a poem I wrote while watching a rain storm.

Tree tops being tossed around in the wind, rolling back and forth, the wind testing their very strength. At times they roll peacefully like tall grass and I feel relaxed watching them. But at other times they are being thrashed around like the wild waves of the sea. Sometimes I feel as if I am amongst them being tossed around as they are.
The wild, wild wind swirling stray leaves through the air while the trees limbs bend after them begging for their return.
Can you imagine being a tree? Can you imagine the stories you would have, the feeling you would have of being thrown around in the breeze. What an adventure that would be.


  1. Did you write this yourself? That is very cool!

    1. Sorry I just saw this now. Yes I did write this myself:) I was sitting at the computer one day watching the stormy winds blow the trees around. So...I wrote this.
