Monday, April 4, 2011

In Memory of Moses

I miss you Moses and I always will!!!!
Snuggle with Mrs. Murphy for me!!!!
I LOVE you very much!!!


  1. Rebecca, I am so so sorry that you are going through this pain and sorrow.

    I didn't know Mrs. Murphy, but understand she was loved by many. I'm sure it is a great loss to all of you.

    I will miss seeing Moses when I come to the house to visit. You will never forget him! How could you - you have all his children at your house!! :-)

    Please know that I love you very much and am here if you need to talk. I love you sweetie....Every day you will begin to feel better....the sorrow you feel today will fade and you will remember the good memories!

    Love, Aunt Donna

  2. Dear Rebecca...I am so sorry for your loss and your hurt. As we go through life there are many happy times and sad times as well, we learn and grow from them all. Sometimes those saddest moments make us better people. The memories you have of Mrs. Murphy, will carry you through life, leading you to goodness, charity, love and hope. You have been blessed that she was in your life...keep her close to your heart.

    Then there is Moses...what could be better then having loved God's little creatures. Losing a beloved pet is equally difficult, we love them as we would love anyone. Maybe someday soon, you could take a family field trip to visit me...I would love to have you and your family for lunch. I have Ellie and Ian every day, my house is like a nursery might fill you with happiness!!
    Mrs. Thomas
