Ok so it's been a couple of days since the week-end and it's almost the next week-end but hey what are you going to do.
Last week-end was the Winter Retreat with our Youth Group Common Ground.
We spent a week-end at Camp of the Woods up in Speculator NY.
It was my first time going so I didn't know what to expect. But it turned out to be fun.
There were a husband and wife team speaking to us for 5 sessions 1 on Friday 3 on Saturday and 1 on Sunday before we left. They were great. They also had worship before each session.
The night we got there I got my bags and the key to my room and settled in along with my 3 other room mates. Boy did we have a lot of fun that first night.
We spent a half hour having a pillow fight and acting silly. Then we talked and by the time I think all of us were sitting i our beds it was probably like 1 or 2 in the morning. So anyway the night DRAGGED on. 2 of my room mates went to sleep around 2:30 and my other room mate and I stayed up all night and all morning long. THE LONGEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!! Anyway my suggestion NEVER pull an all nighter because you might end up doing something you regret due to lack of sleep.
But yeah all in all it was fun.
That week-end was also my clutzy week-end. It all started the first night when I checked out my room. I smashed my finger on the bed and broke my nail off and it was bruised that I couldn't even touch it. That same night I also stepped wrong and hurt my ankle. Now here comes the mega clutz moment. On Sunday morning there is this hill you have to walk up every time you got to the mess hall and it was a sheet of ice. So I said ok this isn't that bad I can walk across and get to the rocks on the other side. Well stupid me because I lost my balance and fell right on my side. Bruised my hip hurt my back and I had this huge knot on my elbow for the rest of the day. Now all I have is a bruise but it still hurts. The most embarrassing part was that I fell when some one else was around me. I am still on the ground dazed and trying to figure out how I am going to get up without falling again. One of my brothers friends is in front of me and he looks back and asks if I am ok. Of course he couldn't help me because he was struggling trying to get up the hill without falling as well. So yeah I think my face was red for the rest of the morning.;)
Well above are pictures of my room mates and my leaders getting their nails painted. I'M PROUD OF YOU JESS!!!;)
Nice pics Becca!