Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Hi Everyone,

I have a couple of minutes before I go to choir so I thought I would write something.
Sorry I haven't written anything in awhile it's just because school has started up again ;P Also as you know I am in the 8Th grade now, and every year the school work gets harder.
Well It is now Friday and I really didn't get to write something before I went to choir. But I did want to tell you about Wednesday night.
On the cool summer days or just the cool days I sleep with my window open. It is right beside my bed so when we have the attic fan on it sucks in the air and cools or room down tremendously. Anyway I was having a hard time falling asleep so I kept tossing and turning and then I finally got comfortable, laying on my stomach and my head under my pillow because of the sound of almost all of my cats running up and down the hall way running in my room jumping on my dresser and knocking everything of it, WAS DRIVING ME INSANE!!!!!!Ahem, OK now where did I leave off. Oh yes so right when I was JUST about to fall asleep the Coy-Dogs started barking and howling. At first it really freaked me out because I didn't know what it was. So I just sat there huddling under my blankets. But when I finally realized what it was I took my head out from underneath my pillow and sat there just listening to them and it was really relaxing and I finally fell asleep.

Thanks for reading:)



  1. It's nice that you find them relaxing! Wish I could - they always give me the creeps.

  2. I never remember what login to use when I comment - this is Aunt Terri, by the way ...

  3. How do you find that relaxing?! are you CRAZY... Love Ya lots!
