Well it's good to just finally sit down and write. This month has been really hectic for me and my family members.
I am going to post a couple of sentences about all the different things that happened this month.
December 12th was a very special,early and rather nauseous morning for me. ;) That day was the morning of my Baptismal and I was very nervous. It was very snowy and icy and just plain crumby out that morning and I am glad everyone who came to church was safe.
That day also happened to be the day of our annul Christmas party. It was nice to visit with family that I don't see very often through out the year
December 16th now that was a morning I will never forget.
I slept in that morning because I was trying to beat a cold that I had. Around 10:00 11:00am. Leighanna woke me up crying. I woke up very quickly sat up straight up in my my bed and asked frantically what was the matter. Now for 2 days before Leighanna's cat was very sick and sluggish so my immediate thought was "Oh my gosh did Toulouse die!" So Leighanna finally told me "Peepa has chest pains and the ambulance is coming to take him to the hospital!"
Anyway so I sat in the house with my sister staring and watching the EMT's go into my Grandparents house and and come out numerous times to the ambulance before they finally walked Peepa to the gernie (sp?) at the bottom of the stairs.
We were both watching intently praying silently and and whispering to ourselves "come on Peepa you'll make it."
My Mother went to the hospital with my Grandmother and my 2 Aunts. Leighanna and I stayed home by ourselves 'cause TJ was in school and Daddy was at work.
Let me tell you something there is nothing more nerve racking than sitting at home waiting for news!
Luckily Peepa came home that same night and all was well for that day.
That night was also Common Ground's (my youth group) Christmas Party. It was fun but VERY loud!!!!
December 19th was the Christmas Cantata for Leighanna and I. It was REALLY fun.
Oh yeah for those of you who don't know, The Christmas Cantata was a program we did for church with a bunch a songs from the choir that Leighanna and I are in and they also had dances for some of the songs Leighanna and I were in one of the dances with a good bunch of girls.(ladies)
During the evening Mom, Dad, Leighanna and I went caroling with some people with our church.
Oh yeah the day before we had a 5 hour dress rehearsal for the Cantata and after wards we went Christmas shopping for each other.
Ok that's all I can say for now so I will update soon!!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Yesterday my Dad was in the ER because a 1,000 pound skid fell against his knee and he heard something pop. It turns out he has a piece of broken bone in there somewhere. He has to go to Orthopedics tomorrow so if you could pray for him that it is not something serious. He is hobbling around a lot because it hurts a lot!!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Dear Readers,
This past 4 days Sun-Wed we had Life Action Revival at our church.
Pastor Ryan (that's what I call him)was such a good speaker he was funny and he really got the point across without yelling at you. "Give Give Give" is what he taught. He did this little demonstration with M & M, those of you who were there know what I am going to say. ;)
Pastor Ben (another speaker) went around and passed out a couple of M & M's to a few early people in the front, 4 of them being TJ, Leighanna, my Mother and I. We knew there was some sort of legitimate reason that he was passing them out he wasn't just sharing. Soooo later on in the service Pastor Ryan jokingly yelled at those who got the M & M's he said. "Those of you who ate a third of my bag of M & M's stand up." Then he said something to this affect "Those of you who got M & M's from the crooks who stole my M & M's." NO ONE stood up! Everyone in my family except Daddy got M & M's. It was so weird because I usually share with people and for some strange reason God didn't put it in my mind to share them. During the funny episode Mark Witherell went up and nelt at the alter (stairs) and acted like he was repenting because he didn't share his M & M's. He did that all by himself without being asked to....it was something you had to be there to understand. (For those of you who weren't there.) Then Pastor Ryan got serious and started talking about how people of the earth don't share or give like they should.
Luke was our teen speaker and he was so good he got the point across without having to forcefully drilling it into your head.
He really opened my eyes to things I desperately need to change in my life.
He talked about forgiveness and how you need to do it even if you don't want to do it.
I had 3 people I needed to forgive and it was sooooooo extremely hard for me but I said
"God I really really don't want to do this but I am choosing to forgive these 3 people who have hurt me, please help me realize when I start complaining about them I have forgave them even though it may be really hard."
Luke was a really good teacher he really listened to you when you needed prayer or something or when you just need to talk to someone. He looked like he would be a good friend to have.
Well I guess that is it other than I am really depressed that they left because we now have t go back to our old boring routine....JJ I don't really mean that. ;)
This past 4 days Sun-Wed we had Life Action Revival at our church.
Pastor Ryan (that's what I call him)was such a good speaker he was funny and he really got the point across without yelling at you. "Give Give Give" is what he taught. He did this little demonstration with M & M, those of you who were there know what I am going to say. ;)
Pastor Ben (another speaker) went around and passed out a couple of M & M's to a few early people in the front, 4 of them being TJ, Leighanna, my Mother and I. We knew there was some sort of legitimate reason that he was passing them out he wasn't just sharing. Soooo later on in the service Pastor Ryan jokingly yelled at those who got the M & M's he said. "Those of you who ate a third of my bag of M & M's stand up." Then he said something to this affect "Those of you who got M & M's from the crooks who stole my M & M's." NO ONE stood up! Everyone in my family except Daddy got M & M's. It was so weird because I usually share with people and for some strange reason God didn't put it in my mind to share them. During the funny episode Mark Witherell went up and nelt at the alter (stairs) and acted like he was repenting because he didn't share his M & M's. He did that all by himself without being asked to....it was something you had to be there to understand. (For those of you who weren't there.) Then Pastor Ryan got serious and started talking about how people of the earth don't share or give like they should.
Luke was our teen speaker and he was so good he got the point across without having to forcefully drilling it into your head.
He really opened my eyes to things I desperately need to change in my life.
He talked about forgiveness and how you need to do it even if you don't want to do it.
I had 3 people I needed to forgive and it was sooooooo extremely hard for me but I said
"God I really really don't want to do this but I am choosing to forgive these 3 people who have hurt me, please help me realize when I start complaining about them I have forgave them even though it may be really hard."
Luke was a really good teacher he really listened to you when you needed prayer or something or when you just need to talk to someone. He looked like he would be a good friend to have.
Well I guess that is it other than I am really depressed that they left because we now have t go back to our old boring routine....JJ I don't really mean that. ;)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Deck the Halls with Boughs of...oh sorry wrong season.;)
We just got done putting up all our Fall decorations and everything looks so pretty now. We just got done eating dinner with Peepa, Meema and Aunt Terri for Peepa's birthday. It was fun.
We just got done putting up all our Fall decorations and everything looks so pretty now. We just got done eating dinner with Peepa, Meema and Aunt Terri for Peepa's birthday. It was fun.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Hi Everyone,
I have a couple of minutes before I go to choir so I thought I would write something.
Sorry I haven't written anything in awhile it's just because school has started up again ;P Also as you know I am in the 8Th grade now, and every year the school work gets harder.
Well It is now Friday and I really didn't get to write something before I went to choir. But I did want to tell you about Wednesday night.
On the cool summer days or just the cool days I sleep with my window open. It is right beside my bed so when we have the attic fan on it sucks in the air and cools or room down tremendously. Anyway I was having a hard time falling asleep so I kept tossing and turning and then I finally got comfortable, laying on my stomach and my head under my pillow because of the sound of almost all of my cats running up and down the hall way running in my room jumping on my dresser and knocking everything of it, WAS DRIVING ME INSANE!!!!!!Ahem, OK now where did I leave off. Oh yes so right when I was JUST about to fall asleep the Coy-Dogs started barking and howling. At first it really freaked me out because I didn't know what it was. So I just sat there huddling under my blankets. But when I finally realized what it was I took my head out from underneath my pillow and sat there just listening to them and it was really relaxing and I finally fell asleep.
Thanks for reading:)
I have a couple of minutes before I go to choir so I thought I would write something.
Sorry I haven't written anything in awhile it's just because school has started up again ;P Also as you know I am in the 8Th grade now, and every year the school work gets harder.
Well It is now Friday and I really didn't get to write something before I went to choir. But I did want to tell you about Wednesday night.
On the cool summer days or just the cool days I sleep with my window open. It is right beside my bed so when we have the attic fan on it sucks in the air and cools or room down tremendously. Anyway I was having a hard time falling asleep so I kept tossing and turning and then I finally got comfortable, laying on my stomach and my head under my pillow because of the sound of almost all of my cats running up and down the hall way running in my room jumping on my dresser and knocking everything of it, WAS DRIVING ME INSANE!!!!!!Ahem, OK now where did I leave off. Oh yes so right when I was JUST about to fall asleep the Coy-Dogs started barking and howling. At first it really freaked me out because I didn't know what it was. So I just sat there huddling under my blankets. But when I finally realized what it was I took my head out from underneath my pillow and sat there just listening to them and it was really relaxing and I finally fell asleep.
Thanks for reading:)
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Well we finally arrived at Kentucky, after 19 1/2 hours of sitting.
PHEEEEEW!!!!!!!! (SP?)
We stopped for like three hours or so to sleep in the car in the parking lot.
Daddy drove 90 percent of the way because he wanted to get there as soon as he could because we were behind a day.
We got to Kentucky around 12:30 1:00 in the afternoon.
Daddy was the first one in the house and there to meet everyone when they got in the door was Aunt April. Then the second one to greet us was my Great Grandmother second one.
We haven't seen everyone for over 2 years except Uncle Adam and Aunt April we havn't seen them in more then 2 years....maybe like 4 or 5, so we were extra happy to see them.
The trip up was fun but very sleepy. We finally fell asleep around 2 to 3 AM and didn't sleep long. When you are crampt, in close quarters, your head is jamed aganst the window trying to get comfy, and on top of all that you have 2 out of five of us singing with head-phones on.
We are planing on doing a bunch of fun stuff and maybe I can update you.
GOD Bless
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Dear Everyone,
These are some pictures from the trip we took to Mystic Aquarium. I was in the Oceanography class for the 2nd time this year in VBS. I love the teachers and the environment.
These are some pictures from the trip we took to Mystic Aquarium. I was in the Oceanography class for the 2nd time this year in VBS. I love the teachers and the environment.
My Mystic Trip 2010

I like it because of it's bright orange color

these are my favorite

Childhood experience not a very good memory.
I would stick my hand in the tank but right at the last second I would take my hand out of the water. But I did actually touch one well actually it touched me he moved his fin up at the right second and I pulled my hand out as quick as you could say IT. I felt like a slimy...I don't know what but it was EXTREMELY nasty!!!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Sweet Sixteen
This morning we had 3 extra bodies in the living room. That sounded kind of cruel. We had a sleep over yesterday for Leighanna's b-day party so we had 3 extra girls in the house.
I was soooooo proud of myself I was the first one up. I woke up around 6:20 in the morning and I made it through the whole day!!
It was sooo very dead quite in the living room so since my body decided it was time to get up I did.
I saw the sun shinning through the window so I decided to go outside and sit on the swing and watch it rise a little more.
I even got to watch Meema off to work it was soooo cool!!! Sorry for spazzing out.
I was sitting on the porch swing all by myself just listing to the red squirrels arguing and the baby birds chirping in the bird house hanging on the porch for about a half hour give or take a little more. Mommy eventually woke up and came out to sit with me for a little bit.
Peepa walked Meema to the car as he always does and watched her off. When he walked back the the house he said "What did we have a fire drill or something you guys are up so early." I thought that was funny!:)
Earlier before that he said to me "your up early."
I slept on the couch in the dinning room so when I got up and when Mom was up she turned the computer on so I could have something to do. Mommy went on the couch that I slept on and fell back to sleep.
I lasted until 8:30 and then my stomach started telling me "ummmm hello you have been up for 2 hours and you haven't fed me yet." S I tip toed to the kitchen and started craking eggs. (mommy woke up to that) So after that everyone started getting up.
The night before we had a makeover so I have pumpkin orange nail polish on, and NEON pink and green toenail polish. I had dark green eye shadow and mascara and eye liner. I looked pretty and everyone said so too.
Elizabeth one of the girls is really good with hair so she did the kind of braided twisted bun. It look so pretty.
Ok I should probably sign off now. My parents are in the camper sleeping I just turned the lights out for TJ to fall asleep on the couch (so I am writing by the light of the monitor screen) and Leighanna is trying to get me off the computer;)
Ok Beach Boys it's time for you to stop singing now (that's what I m listening to)
GOD Bless
It is now 1:06 in the morning I am going to bed now goodnight!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEIGHANNA it's June 20th VERY early in the morning.
I was soooooo proud of myself I was the first one up. I woke up around 6:20 in the morning and I made it through the whole day!!
It was sooo very dead quite in the living room so since my body decided it was time to get up I did.
I saw the sun shinning through the window so I decided to go outside and sit on the swing and watch it rise a little more.
I even got to watch Meema off to work it was soooo cool!!! Sorry for spazzing out.
I was sitting on the porch swing all by myself just listing to the red squirrels arguing and the baby birds chirping in the bird house hanging on the porch for about a half hour give or take a little more. Mommy eventually woke up and came out to sit with me for a little bit.
Peepa walked Meema to the car as he always does and watched her off. When he walked back the the house he said "What did we have a fire drill or something you guys are up so early." I thought that was funny!:)
Earlier before that he said to me "your up early."
I slept on the couch in the dinning room so when I got up and when Mom was up she turned the computer on so I could have something to do. Mommy went on the couch that I slept on and fell back to sleep.
I lasted until 8:30 and then my stomach started telling me "ummmm hello you have been up for 2 hours and you haven't fed me yet." S I tip toed to the kitchen and started craking eggs. (mommy woke up to that) So after that everyone started getting up.
The night before we had a makeover so I have pumpkin orange nail polish on, and NEON pink and green toenail polish. I had dark green eye shadow and mascara and eye liner. I looked pretty and everyone said so too.
Elizabeth one of the girls is really good with hair so she did the kind of braided twisted bun. It look so pretty.
Ok I should probably sign off now. My parents are in the camper sleeping I just turned the lights out for TJ to fall asleep on the couch (so I am writing by the light of the monitor screen) and Leighanna is trying to get me off the computer;)
Ok Beach Boys it's time for you to stop singing now (that's what I m listening to)
GOD Bless
It is now 1:06 in the morning I am going to bed now goodnight!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEIGHANNA it's June 20th VERY early in the morning.
Friday, April 2, 2010
We Got Daddy

On April Foll's Day my Daddy always plays a little trick on all of us EXCEPT Leighanna because she's smart Daddy got me with Is that a bug by your foot.
Anyway last night we had ice cream and I was going to put A LOT of maple syrup in his ice cream but Mommy pipes in "I would put salt in it" so that's exactly what we did. That is the first time we ever got Daddy. It was the best!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
This is Apsativley Posolutly dilish coming from a person who dosn't like broccli
Alfredo Chicken Tortellini
servings 6
prep. 30-45 minutes
2 small packages of frozen tortellini
2lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs/breasts (your preference) cut into 1 inch cubes
1/2lb bacon chopped
3tsp minced garlic
1/3-1/2 cup chopped onions
1 sweet red pepper chopped
2 cans (10 3/4oz) condensed cream of chicken soup (undiluted)
1 cup 2% milk
2/3 sour cream
4tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
1-2 cups frozen chopped broccoli, thawed & drained
- Cook tortellini according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, settee onions and bacon until bacon is cooked not crisp, drain grease. Add chicken to the skillet with onions and bacon-cook until chicken is no longer pink. Add chopped peppers-cook until peppers are tender.
- Mean while in a medium bowl, whisk together soup, milk, sour cream and grated Parmesan cheese; stir into chicken mixture. Bring to a boil reduce heat, simmer, uncover for 5-7 minutes.
- Drain tortellini; add to chicken mixture, stir in the broccoli, heat through.
Recipe could also be used by substituting fettechini for tortellini (hence the name Alfredo Chicken Fettechini)
servings 6
prep. 30-45 minutes
2 small packages of frozen tortellini
2lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs/breasts (your preference) cut into 1 inch cubes
1/2lb bacon chopped
3tsp minced garlic
1/3-1/2 cup chopped onions
1 sweet red pepper chopped
2 cans (10 3/4oz) condensed cream of chicken soup (undiluted)
1 cup 2% milk
2/3 sour cream
4tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
1-2 cups frozen chopped broccoli, thawed & drained
- Cook tortellini according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, settee onions and bacon until bacon is cooked not crisp, drain grease. Add chicken to the skillet with onions and bacon-cook until chicken is no longer pink. Add chopped peppers-cook until peppers are tender.
- Mean while in a medium bowl, whisk together soup, milk, sour cream and grated Parmesan cheese; stir into chicken mixture. Bring to a boil reduce heat, simmer, uncover for 5-7 minutes.
- Drain tortellini; add to chicken mixture, stir in the broccoli, heat through.
Recipe could also be used by substituting fettechini for tortellini (hence the name Alfredo Chicken Fettechini)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
This is Henry
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Grammy Bellanger's Recipe
Right now I can't post any pictures, our computer isn't working right.
I don't mean to copy Nathan at all by posting a recipe. I just think it is a really good idea.
Here is a recipe from my Great Grandmother.
Onion & Cucumber Dip
1pt. sour cream
1pk. onion salad dressing mix
2tb. fresh lemon juice
1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
4 slices of bacon (crisp cooked) crumbled
1/2c. finely chopped cucumber
2tb pimentos
Refrigerate for a 1/2hr
I don't mean to copy Nathan at all by posting a recipe. I just think it is a really good idea.
Here is a recipe from my Great Grandmother.
Onion & Cucumber Dip
1pt. sour cream
1pk. onion salad dressing mix
2tb. fresh lemon juice
1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
4 slices of bacon (crisp cooked) crumbled
1/2c. finely chopped cucumber
2tb pimentos
Refrigerate for a 1/2hr
My First Post ;)
I have to go to bed but I wanted to post before. It's 12:15!!!! I'll try to do more tomorrow
I have to go to bed but I wanted to post before. It's 12:15!!!! I'll try to do more tomorrow
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