This post is devoted to this past summer.
This past summer we were able to take care of my cousins while their Father was in Boston battling lung cancer. A lot went on this summer...probably to much for me to remember and write down, but I would like to write and share as much as I can......
....Let's start with early summer....this photo should show it all:)
(from left to right Jared, Me, Owen [in back] Nathan, Leighanna)
This pool is not much, but it sure does the trick when you are really hot and have no other alternative to cool down:)
These were fun days!! We often went in the pool and played water tag...or Jared and I would always try and push each other and see who would give way first. Both of us never had much luck in winning. We would normally go in the pool in the early evening and then get out for lunch and to finish school or play the wii, or whatever came to mind really.
Then the really fun part was going in a night:D we would jut sit there and look up at the was so relaxing and yet fun:)
We would often finish off the nights with a fun family movie, or we would play skip-bo.
This day was a lot of fun!!! We all went to one of the annual car shows that a local restaurant hosts called O'Kenny's. All my family went along with the boys and my Aunt Terri.
This picture shows my cousin Jared being his normal silly fun self pointing to his favorite car:D
When our family goes to a car show here we look at all the cars and decide which one our favorite is. Then after all the fun of looking at all the cars...we just can't leave without getting some of O'Kenny's famous soft served ice cream. Chocolate is my favorite. Ice cream just finishes off the night:D
Here were just some more pictures that night
Some nights/early evenings my brother would go out and work on his youngest cousin Owen would always want to go out and watch:)
Some nights when it was all dark we played basketball in the drive way by the light of the sensor light...boy was that fun!!!! Even though I could never get a basket:)
Then there was this one night that there was going to be a meteor we all stayed up till mid-night to watch it. We all piled into the car and drove a little ways down our road to get a clearer view of the sky. We all got to see at least one meteor that night.
Some days in the later afternoon we would all want to go for a walk on our road. The weather was so warm...but yet cool at the same time. We would talk and walk until we finally made it to the end of our road (3 miles later) On the way back we would sometimes stop and throw rocks in the little tiny puddle pond that is there after the rain.
Sometimes we were lucky and my Mom would come look for us and we would get a ride back home:) But most of the time we wanted to stick it out and walk the rest of the way home
The 2 oldest cousins Nathan and Jared, their hobby is they LOOOOOVE to go train watching. The youngest, Owen...his hobby is fishing.
So taking the boys down to the boat launch was like killing two birds with one stone. Train tracks right by the river...they Loved it:)
This particular day we bought McDonald's and ate by the river side...It was a Very beautiful day as I recall.
This is Owen telling Leighanna and I about his sturgeon story:D (can't you tell he loooves fish)
This is Nathan waiting for a train...I think we saw two trains that day.
Just a photo to remember the day:)
(Thanks guys this was a really fun day!!!!)
Alright, so this next picture is Tj surprising me with a piano. During the summer Jared and I would often play it together. I would just be playing a song and Jared would just come over and pick out the harmony.
I do like playing it...Thanks Teej!
Alright, my brother bought a truck in the beginning of summer and naturally it needs work.
One day I looked out my window and this is what I saw...
My Grandfather, My Dad and my brother all working on the truck:)
OK here comes the highlight of the summer:) we all loooooooved the Chatham Fair!!!:D
The boys looking at some of the animals
Us looking at more animals
Owen on one of his first rides of the day
Dad, Owen, and Nathan on the tilt-a-whirl...who knew that thing could be so fun!
This would be my dramatic cousin Jared:)
He got of the Gravatron (a ride that spins so fast you get plastered to the wall)
Jared comes walking/wobbling/tripping off the ride and dramatically falls on Dad:)
Wouldn't be Jared without this:D
This is us watching the demolition was so packed, there was barely standing room.
Owen and his bumper cars...he wanted to drive them so bad he waited in line for like a half an hour.
Ahhh the swings...I could stay on them all day:) We went on them 4 times in a row...the boys loved them!
The scrambler....The most BEST ride in the whole fair:D
We all LOVED it and went on it many times!!!
This is the scrambler:D IT'S SO FUN!
This was the bob sled:) Another very fun ride!!
Owen caught a shark so he won a light sword...He was a happy kid:D
And we all finished up the night with a ride on the Ferris first time riding it too:)
Now we come to the fall...
Here we are trekking up the hill to the Saratoga Battle Field visitors center for lunch.
Lunch is almost ready
I earned a kiss from Owen for buying him a hat:)
A family photo before we head to the sights
First site
We all sat at this stop and had dessert. This is Jared.
My two pioneers:)
One of my favorite pictures. (we are on the porch of the Neilson house)
My all time favorite picture!
I took this picture, I though it was pretty
Little dude
tired feet...piggy back ride:)
Mini Daniel Boone
My cousin Nathan
A family photo before we left
Waiting in line at the Schuyler House
This summer and fall was not always perfect...we did have our differences but all together I think it made us all stronger!
I sure enjoyed our time together boys:) and I hope you enjoyed these stories!